The Cybersecurity Program Office has received several grants and awards to facilitate their continued efforts to support cyber securit focused research at SDSU.
Active Awards
CRII: SaTC: Towards a Secure and Efficient Ethereum P2P Network with Client Diversity
Sponsored by NSF
(July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2026)
Sponsored by NSF
(July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2026)
Ethereum Academic Grant
Sponsored by Ethereum Foundation
(September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2024)
Sponsored by Ethereum Foundation
(September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2024)
Prior/Completed Awards
Addressing Systems Challenges through Engineering Teams: Identifying the sources of both natural disasters and cyberattacks before they can breach the power grid
Addressing Systems Challenges through Engineering Teams: Identifying the sources of both natural disasters and cyberattacks before they can breach the power grid
$1,500,000 est.
NSF CISE-MSI Grant 2219773
Collaborative Research: CISE-MSI: Active and Passive Internet Measurements for Inferring IoT Maliciousness at Scale
Collaborative Research: CISE-MSI: Active and Passive Internet Measurements for Inferring IoT Maliciousness at Scale
N66001-18-R-0005 SSC PAC Code 82000
Defensive Cyberspace Operations Research, Development, Testing, Engineering, Integration, Maintenance, and Production Support (Navy SSC Pacific) MMAC IDIQ
Defensive Cyberspace Operations Research, Development, Testing, Engineering, Integration, Maintenance, and Production Support (Navy SSC Pacific) MMAC IDIQ
N00174-17-1-0010 P00001
Augmenting Effectiveness of Cyber Threat Information Systems (DOD Office of Naval Research)
Augmenting Effectiveness of Cyber Threat Information Systems (DOD Office of Naval Research)
S0090 / N66001-18-F-0046
MOD 3 Cyber Security Defensive System Design (Navy SPAWAR)
MOD 3 Cyber Security Defensive System Design (Navy SPAWAR)
Chemehuevi Reservation Microgrid (CRM) CEC Cybersecurity Controls
(California Energy Commission)
Chemehuevi Reservation Microgrid (CRM) CEC Cybersecurity Controls
(California Energy Commission)
NSF Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC) CC* Storage Grant 1659169
Implementation of a Distributed, Shareable, and Parallel Storage Resource at San Diego State University to Facilitate High-Performance Computing for Climate Science
NSF Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships I-Corps Grant 1313570>
$50,000 Proximity
NSF Office of CyberInfrastructure CC-NIE Grant 1245312
Network Infrastructure:
Implementation of a Science DMZ at San Diego State University to Facilitate High-Performance Data Transfer for Scientific Applications
Implementation of a Science DMZ at San Diego State University to Facilitate High-Performance Data Transfer for Scientific Applications
Research Opportunities in Combustion Science, Residence Time Driven Flame Spread Over Solid Fuels
Research Opportunities in Combustion Science, Residence Time Driven Flame Spread Over Solid Fuels
US Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Web-based CO2 Subsurface Modeling, Geologic Sequestration Training, and Research Funding Opportunity
Number: DE-FOA-0000032, Simulation and Risk Assessment
Number: DE-FOA-0000032, Simulation and Risk Assessment
NSF Office of CyberInfrastructure MRI Grant 0922702
MRI: Acquisition of High Speed Network Infrastructure for High Performance Distributed Computation in the Colleges of Science and Engineering
MRI: Acquisition of High Speed Network Infrastructure for High Performance Distributed Computation in the Colleges of Science and Engineering
NSF Office of CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Grant 0753283
CI-TEAM Demonstration Project:
CyberCHEQS: A Service-Oriented Cyberinfrastructure (SOCI) for Thermochemical Data and Computation Services
CI-TEAM Demonstration Project:
CyberCHEQS: A Service-Oriented Cyberinfrastructure (SOCI) for Thermochemical Data and Computation Services
DHS Science and Technology, Next-generation Incident Command System (NICS) disaster response software further enhancements
Naval Research Lab, Services-Oriented Architecture Innovation Lab project
American Red Cross, Situation Awareness Cloud Computing project (SitCell)
SPAWAR-NORTHCOM x24 Mexico Technical Support Project
DHS Science and Technology, Next-generation Incident Command System (NICS) disaster response software
INMARSAT Broadband Global Area Network field research
US Navy-SPAWAR Cloud Computing for Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief Project
ITT Corporation for US Navy, Services Oriented Architecture
US Navy-SPAWAR Nonclassified Enclave Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief project
US Navy-SPAWAR Nonclassified Enclave Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief project
Navy Research Laboratory, Data for Google Earth Client
58418A Department of Homeland Security
Panga Interdiction Predictive Model - Risk/Behavior Based Model for Maritime Interdictions
Panga Interdiction Predictive Model - Risk/Behavior Based Model for Maritime Interdictions
U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)
Activity No. 2017-31020A
Technical Assistance for the METU Smart Campus Project (Cybersecurity)
Activity No. 2017-31020A
Technical Assistance for the METU Smart Campus Project (Cybersecurity)