
The Cybersecurity Program Office has received several grants and awards to facilitate their continued efforts to support cyber securit focused research at SDSU.  

Active Awards

CRII: SaTC: Towards a Secure and Efficient Ethereum P2P Network with Client Diversity
Sponsored by NSF
(July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2026)
Ethereum Academic Grant
Sponsored by Ethereum Foundation
(September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2024)

Prior/Completed Awards

Addressing Systems Challenges through Engineering Teams: Identifying the sources of both natural disasters and cyberattacks before they can breach the power grid
$1,500,000 est.
NSF CISE-MSI Grant 2219773
Collaborative Research: CISE-MSI: Active and Passive Internet Measurements for Inferring IoT Maliciousness at Scale
N66001-18-R-0005 SSC PAC Code 82000
Defensive Cyberspace Operations Research, Development, Testing, Engineering, Integration, Maintenance, and Production Support (Navy SSC Pacific) MMAC IDIQ
N00174-17-1-0010 P00001
Augmenting Effectiveness of Cyber Threat Information Systems (DOD Office of Naval Research)
S0090 / N66001-18-F-0046
MOD 3 Cyber Security Defensive System Design (Navy SPAWAR)
Chemehuevi Reservation Microgrid (CRM) CEC Cybersecurity Controls
(California Energy Commission)
NSF Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC) CC* Storage Grant 1659169
Implementation of a Distributed, Shareable, and Parallel Storage Resource at San Diego State University to Facilitate High-Performance Computing for Climate Science
NSF Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships I-Corps Grant 1313570>
$50,000 Proximity
NSF Office of CyberInfrastructure CC-NIE Grant 1245312
Network Infrastructure:
Implementation of a Science DMZ at San Diego State University to Facilitate High-Performance Data Transfer for Scientific Applications
Research Opportunities in Combustion Science, Residence Time Driven Flame Spread Over Solid Fuels
US Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Web-based CO2 Subsurface Modeling, Geologic Sequestration Training, and Research Funding Opportunity
Number: DE-FOA-0000032, Simulation and Risk Assessment
NSF Office of CyberInfrastructure MRI Grant 0922702
MRI: Acquisition of High Speed Network Infrastructure for High Performance Distributed Computation in the Colleges of Science and Engineering
NSF Office of CyberInfrastructure CI-TEAM Grant 0753283
CI-TEAM Demonstration Project:
CyberCHEQS: A Service-Oriented Cyberinfrastructure (SOCI) for Thermochemical Data and Computation Services
DHS Science and Technology, Next-generation Incident Command System (NICS) disaster response software further enhancements
Naval Research Lab, Services-Oriented Architecture Innovation Lab project
American Red Cross, Situation Awareness Cloud Computing project (SitCell)
SPAWAR-NORTHCOM x24 Mexico Technical Support Project
DHS Science and Technology, Next-generation Incident Command System (NICS) disaster response software
INMARSAT Broadband Global Area Network field research
US Navy-SPAWAR Cloud Computing for Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief Project
ITT Corporation for US Navy, Services Oriented Architecture
US Navy-SPAWAR Nonclassified Enclave Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief project
US Navy-SPAWAR Nonclassified Enclave Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief project
Navy Research Laboratory, Data for Google Earth Client
58418A Department of Homeland Security
Panga Interdiction Predictive Model - Risk/Behavior Based Model for Maritime Interdictions
U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)
Activity No. 2017-31020A
Technical Assistance for the METU Smart Campus Project (Cybersecurity)